Maintaining the Integrity of the Spine, 
Exploring Centre
Christine Howitt
Easter workshop 22.-24.4.2011
Christine Howitt is one of the main assistants of Donna Farhi. She often assists Donna in teacher trainings and intensives abroad. Christine´s “own” workshop in Helsinki was in 2009 and was enthusiastically received. This will be Christine´s second visit to Finland.

The focus of  this workshop will be establishing the neutral alignment of the spine. We will explore how to elongate the spine by working directly with the breath. We will see how the freedom of movement in the spine is increased when we can allow the breath to be fully expressed.

When we understand how to direct intention and force through this central structure of the spine, a sense of clarity is experienced in alignment as well as increased vitality in the whole body.

We will cover some basic spinal anatomy, looking at the structure of the spine. Understanding the significance of the spinal curves and how to stand sit and move with a neutral spine.

We will learn how to mobilise the tighter sections of the spine, while stabilising the naturally mobile sections of this structure. As a result of this, the back becomes strong, and the body feels light and vibrant.

We will be exploring how to establish a neutral spine in standing postures, sitting postures and twists. It is not enough to establish a balanced position for the spine – essential as this is for a healthy spine - this is just the starting point to begin to explore increasing the vitality in the spine and the whole body.

To quote Donna Farhi: “Just as a fountain is an inert object until we run water through it, so too the spine lacks vitality until it is brought to life by the combined forces of gravity, the breath, and our directed intention.”

For more information about Christine, please see: http://www.bodywisenaturalhealth.co.uk/yoga_practitioners.html

This workshop will prepare the way for Donna Farhi´s visit on 2-6 September, 2011. 

Suggested background reading to prepare for this workshop:
Yoga Mind Body and Spirit, A Return to Wholeness by Donna Farhi:
The Seven Moving Principals page 29-77.

NB: The event will be interpreted into Finnish.

Time: 22-24 April, 2011 
Friday: 4 p.m. - 6.30 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 
                                   2.30 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Payment to TMI Leena Karmakallio. account number FI77 1745 3000 047557. Please quote reference number 15859.

Venue: Joogakoulu Shanti (4th floor)
Runeberginkatu 43, Helsinki

Information and registration:
Leena Karmakallio: leena.karmakallio(at)gmail.com
Eija Tervonen: eija(at)eternel.fi